Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gray's Anatomy Hat Revisited

I knit this Gray's Anatomy in a solid color to show off the stitch pattern more clearly. I thought this pretty lavender would go really well with a linen sweater I made a few years ago. Once again, though, I never even wore it before my daughter begged for it. Ah, well. It does look better on her (and on my other model, sister-in-law Sue).

I have a lot more great photos of this hat, but Blogger keeps rotating them when I upload. Can someone please tell me how to rotate them back in Blogger? I've read comments on the help page that tell people to get a new camera (no, thank you) or use a different editing software, but there really must be a way to keep Blogger from making this mistake at all, right? Or at least offer an easy way to fix the problem when it happens. Of course, I'd also like to know how to put the photos where I really want them and have the text wrap the way I want, but for now I'd be happy to at least have the faces be right side up!